
Conflict Resolution Series

Tutor: Rita Choy

Conflict and differences are a part of life. Dealing with conflict can be confronting, stressful and disruptive to people and those around them. Through interactive workshops, students can share their individual experience, challenges, discuss and explore practical strategies to resolve differences in a safe environment. 
This course offers an understanding of what conflict is and how it arises. Each term focuses on specific skills that are essential to resolving conflict constructively, resulting in sustainable outcomes. The aim is helping you to build a toolbox with which you have the confidence to deal with different situations and issues. 
Term 1 focuses on basic understanding and potential implication of conflict to individuals and relationships if not managed appropriately. Through understanding of different perspectives, students can better understand how to prevent the defensive spiral and way to deescalate the initial difference into full scale conflict with destructive results. 
Term 2 focuses on building the conflict resolution toolbox. It provides both basic and in-depth skills and strategies to finding workable and sustained solutions to resolve or manage differences. Students will have opportunities to practice these skills. 

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